Student Wellbeing

We believe that each student is unique with their own set of beliefs, values, attitudes, experiences and feelings that shape each individual.

The PSE (Personal and Social Education) programme has been developed to support students in feeling safe, connected and having positive relationships with those around them. Through an explicitly taught bilingual programme, we enable students to develop skills to ensure they have ownership of their well-being. Students are further supported by school counsellors, pastoral care leads and a safeguarding team.

Through guidance and counselling sessions, we empower the students to face their personal, emotional, social problems with a high level of confidence and tolerance.

We encourage the students to always act local and think global (out of the box).

Counselling Team & Student Services

We have dedicated counsellors who work with individuals and groups to ensure students are safe, their voices are heard and they are equipped with the skills to move forward. The counsellors are supported by our students services team who are often the first point of contact for students and deal with many of the more day to day issues, They also  liaise with parents and caregivers to ensure we are working collaboratively with the home for the benefit of students.


We have a dedicated safeguarding team who work with all stakeholders to raise awareness and understanding,  educate and upskill. The team also provide valuable advice and guidance to the leadership team if the need arises.

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